Employment Relations Consultants
Employer Services Limited are employment relations consultants who are able to assist and act on behalf of employers in various areas of employment law, personal grievances, human resources, mediation, recruitment, investigations and health & safety. Our Whangarei-based team includes: Murray Broadbelt, Wendy Silver (Consultant/Administrator) and Dave Watson (Consultant). Whilst we operate throughout the Northland Region, we do have clients around the rest of NZ. We continue to grow our services to include training, seminars, conferences and to contract human resource services to our clients.
Employment Agreements
From 1 July 2011, employers are required to retain a signed copy of the employment agreement or the current signed terms and conditions of employment. The employer must retain the “intended agreement” even if the employee has not signed it. Employees are entitled to a copy on request.
All employees whether casual or permanent are required to have a written employment agreement.
There are some provisions that must be included in employment agreements by law, and there are also a number of minimum conditions that must be met regardless of whether they are included in agreements. Employment law also provides a framework for negotiating additional entitlements.
We specialise in providing and reviewing employment agreements.