Ph: 09 430 0113

$2000 Grant for Employment Advice

This Grant may not be available at the moment. Check with

Government Financial Assistance for Employment Advice (COVID-19)
“ The Regional Business Partner Network is funded NZ Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and Callaghan Innovation. The Network aims to assist business growth by providing eligible businesses with specialist advice and support, and funding to enhance business capability including research and development.”

A $2000 grant/voucher may be available to your business to get employment relations advice on matters relating to COVID-19, such as restructuring, wage subsidy, personal grievances, amending employment conditions etc.

Employer Services Ltd is a registered service provider in Northland and Auckland.

Businesses must have less than 100 full time equivalent employees and undergo an assessment by a Growth Advisor from the Regional Partner. In Northland it is Northland Inc.

Contact to get started and they will get in touch.

Note that the main RBNP website will refer to training and coaching but the Government have relaxed these rules to cater for “ advice” for COVID19 related matters.